Implement sound and compliant human resources design that create long-term value and sustainable revenue growth with BlacktalonSolutionsAugmenter Series.

An HR system that builds revenue-generating capital by harnessing the hidden skills within.

Create competitive advantage and instill revenue-generating capabilities from tapping into the skills and talents that lay before you.

With an emphasis on your people and the inherent skills therein, you will be able to create greater competitive advantage and surpass your tightest competition in an already tight market.

Human Resources – Beyond Job Descriptions

Your employees are hired to do a specific job with a specific skill set. Staff are expected to conform to those tasks and use those assigned skills and not deviate from it, else it leads to conversations about pay, job definitions, etc.

Is that really helping anyone? There are thousands of employees with unique talents and skills that are waiting to be used to their fullest. So how about revving up your human resources into a force that focuses on your people?

Behold the Augmenter Series.

The Augmenter Series is human resources design that, while in compliance with local legislation and labour laws, implements a formidable HR structure to capitalize on your organization’s intrinsic skills for improving competitive advantage and revenue generation. We install functional systems with guidelines in:

  • Talent acquisition and retention
  • Training and Learning Development
  • Compensation, benefits administration and payroll dynamics
  • Health and safety
  • Policies and procedures
  • Disability
  • Engagement, inclusion and diversity parametres

The premise is to implement a working environment which fosters capital development while embracing involvement and autonomy through accountable means. With record low unemployment and artificial intelligence (AI) becoming a thing, you have to be able to compete and create much faster than anyone else–and any machine.

With this you’ll realize:

  • Greater profitability
  • Improved talent attraction rates
  • Increased brand impact
  • Higher return on investment
  • Reduced absenteeism and workplace lag time

The Augmenter Series makes sense from an organizational development and performance perspective. Surpass your competition and come out on top with BlacktalonSolutions’ Augmenter Series today.